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Serving as Head of School at North Shore Christian School has been one of the most rewarding endeavors of my life!  My time spent among our amazing student body and incredible faculty and staff is not only invigorating, but inspiring.  

I am currently in my fifteenth year as an administrator at NSCS.  That’s a long time!  When I began serving as Principal I had my youngest daughter in tow, and she began her educational journey in her formative years at NSCS in second grade.  I got to not only experience NSCS through the eyes of an administrator, but a mom too.  And, like most mothers, I had that mama bear instinct of wanting to protect my child at all costs.  If you are a mother, you know exactly what I am talking about!  After only a few weeks into the school year something happened.  I no longer felt the urge to “make sure” my daughter was being taken care of according to MY standards.  I found myself trusting the faculty to not only educate my daughter, but to serve as role-models in her life.  Taking the advice of my daughter’s teachers and working together to problem-solve when my daughter needed the extra support became common practice throughout my daughter’s time at NSCS.  I witnessed my daughter being challenged academically, socially, and spiritually.  And, even though my daughter was only in the second grade, I saw her beginning to cultivate an understanding of the interplay between the head and the heart and between learning and faith, and how God is integral in all aspects of academia and truth.

Now, you might be thinking that because I was the principal at the time, that my daughter received extra special attention.  Nope.  This is the expectation we have for all NSCS students to experience.  Their experience will be one of challenging curriculum, mixed in with grace.  Opportunity to wrestle with their learning and how God’s truth is ultimate and informs our thinking is common practice here.  Children at NSCS are taught how to be critical thinkers, winsome speakers, and compassionate individuals who understand that God has a purpose and plan for their lives and that intelligence is only made complete when there is a deep reverence for who God is, coupled with an understanding of His character.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10

I invite you to come see and experience the difference an NSCS education will have in the life of your child.  We are committed to the fundamental truths of our Creator God, and how His Son Jesus has made it possible for us to have a personal relationship with Him, and through the work of the Holy Spirit we are inspired to live a holy life of impact.  

To God be All the Glory!

Pam Heintz, Head of School

All of our curriculum and instruction is undergirded with our Collaborative Critical Thinking frameworks (CCT).  CCT supports our work of teaching through the lens of a Biblical Worldview.  To learn more about our CCT frameworks, please click here to watch our video.

Pam Heintz

Head of School

“In partnership with our families, North Shore Christian School desires to raise up a generation of individuals who are strong and disciplined in their thinking, confident of their convictions, and ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope that guides them. A generation of students who are sensitive to the needs around them, who are service-minded and, above all, kingdom driven.”